Cloud Tags
  • Transliteration:
  • Morphological Generator:
  • Morphological Analyser:
  • Sandhi:
  • Sandhi Splitter:

Online Sanskrit Tools

Transliteration: Sanskrit is written in several scripts and using various romanised transliterations. This tool provides conversion facility among the romanised transliteration schemes into Devanagari and also from Devanagari into various romanised transliteration schemes.

To access system : Click Here

Morphological Generator: The Morphological Generator shows the subantas and tingantas (inflectional forms of a noun or a verb). It also handles derivational morphology showing kridanta and taddhita forms.

To access system : Click Here

Morphological Analyser: It gives various possible analyses of a Sanskrit word.

To access system : Click Here

Sandhi: This tool joins two Sanskrit words following the Paninian sutras.

To access system : Click Here

Sandhi Splitter: This shows various possible splittings (pada-patha) of a given Sanskrit string, and also the various components in case of a compound. More than one ways of splits are ranked by machine based on the frequency of occurrence in the manually sandhi-split corpus.

To access system : Click Here