Category: e-Localisation
About Manthan Award:
Manthan Award is a first of its kind initiative in India to recognize the best practices in e-Content and Creativity. It was launched on 10th October '2004, by Digital Empowerment Foundation in partnership with World Summit Award, Department of Information Technology, Govt. of India, and various other stakeholders like civil society members, media and other similar organizations engaged in promoting digital content inclusiveness in the whole of South Asian & Asia Pacific nation states for development.
Details about Development of Text to Speech System in Indian Languages:
Text-to-Speech (TTS) is computer software which renders the machine readable text into Human Voice. The TTS software allows people with visual impairments or reading disabilities to listen to written text and works on a computer or a mobile device.
A screen reader is a software application that attempts to identify and interpret what is being displayed on the screen with text-to-speech, sound icons, or a Braille output device. Major Indian Languages Covered: Hindi, Bengali, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam.
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