Webinar on Government Initiatives for Indic Language Startup Ecosystem

A large section of Indian internet users are going to consume the internet in Indic languages in the near future. To fuel this growth together, join us for a session on initiatives undertaken for strengthening the ecosystem at 3:00 PM IST.

Join us for the webinar on 4th September 2020 at 3 PM IST

Social Media Links to watch the webinar:

Youtube: [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEZSWKOq0QE ]

Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/StartupIndia ]

The Webinar will be live on Startup India Twitter and Linkedin handles as well.

Twitter:.  [ https://twitter.com/startupindia ]

Linkedin: [ https://www.linkedin.com/company/startup-india ]

Webinar Schedule below for engaging with Indic startups: 

1 3:00-3:20pm Shri. Anil Agrawal, JS, DPIIT Ms. Simmi Chaudhary, EA&GC LCG MeitY Opening Address
2 3:20- 3:45pm Prof Rajeev Sangal, IIITH Indic Landscape - Opportunities and Challenges, Overview of Natural language Translation Mission
3 3:45-4:10pm Prof Dipti Misra Sharma, Head ILMT, IIITH Indian Language Standards
4 4:10-4:45pm Dr Ajai Kumar, Head AAI&GIST Shri Vainateya Koretkar, CDAC Pune Introduction to NPLT Portal https://nplt.in
5 4:45-5:30pm Q&A from the Audience